Today I'm going to talk about the influenster Year Of You Vox Box which features a few products in full size for you to try them on. 



To participate on this you have to sign up on Influenster and update your profile. With some luck I got an email saying I needed to fill another survey and here we are. This wonderful box came in super fast in a period of one week since I got notified that I was part of the selected ones to try this VoxBox.

Kiss Beauty True Volume Dreamy Eyelashes & Clear Glue

Kiss is a super affordable brand that brings you beauty products such as nails and eyelashes. This eyelashes are super cute and volumizing they promise to have  tapered ends that way they will give the illusion of more volume on the eye. This are also easy to put on with the glue they kindly send together. 

Dreamy by Kiss $3.99 USD

They sit lightly on the eyelash and don't make the curl go down. Also one thing that I loved is that depending on how you sit them on the lash line they can look more natural or dramatic. Another thing that I noticed is that when you have this on you tend to forget you got lashes on because they're so light.

You can find them at Walgreens, Walmart and almost any drugstore. 

Gold Bond Ultimate Overnight Deep Moisturizing

The amazing Gold Bond cream that came to my life. If I can resume my experience with this cream in one phrase. Of course I know you want all the details and I will go over them but first some context. I work in a warehouse eight to nine hours almost all day on my feet moving cardboard, wearing rubber gloves and being in contact with dust on a really dry environment not to mention that my skin tends to be dry and its winter on Arizona. 

Gold Bond used as aftershave cream.

Due to this conditions my skin needs a lot of help with moisture. I tried this cream and It felt amazing since day one for my hands, knees, elbows, legs feet everything. Did I say that this is a go to cream after shaving your legs? Make the test you won't regret it.

Classico Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce

This salsa is super good! Goes with any recipe and you should try it with spaghetti or meatballs or anything. My mom loved it and I loved it. There is not a lot to say because it's just one of your pantry basics besides I think is a good option for Italian flavor cravings. I am not picky with food to almost anything will work with my recipes.

Classico Organic Pasta Sauce

Suave Dry Spray Antiperspirant Deodorant Powder Fresh

I don't like Suave deodorants because I've had bad experiences. This is an antiperspirant supposed to not let me sweat and cover my smell. Truth is that in the past the bar one from this brand just helped me to stain my light colored shirts creating a yellow stain on the arm pit and because of that I had to get rid of a few shirts because it doesn't look good.They stain my clothes and don't protect me from sweating.

 This spray has good smell but it's not my product and it stained my shirt the first time.
On the bottle says that dries instantly but that only on skin for some reason it transferred to my shirt after I put the product and then my shirt. I had to stop using it because I need something long lasting I use the Secret Clinical Strength Invisible Solid Stress Response Antiperspirant and I will recommend it instead because does not stain and you don't sweat at all.

On a normal day that I don't do a lot I can wear it and it works for me but switching and stuff like that it's not my daily basis because I need something I can stick to everyday. I need a high performance deodorant/antiperspirant since I work moving around all day. However your needs may be different than mine and this product probably will work better for you than me.

Although this products were sent to my by Influenster to try them my opinion is honest and they did not pay me to write this down but its a good reference for those who wonder what's the catch on the Influenster VoxBox stuff.

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